SpringBoot Redis Prefix Key 제거
Remove cache name from generated cache key
I would like to know if there is some way to remove the cache name from the generated cache key on Spring boot 2. This is the code i'm currently using to cache data: @Cacheable(value = "products"...
Spring boot caching with redis,key have \xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x06
I want to use Spring cache @Cacheable to manager cache. And the real cache is redis. my code like that: @PostMapping("/post") @CachePut(value = "abc", key = "#key") public String putInRedis(@
How to get all Keys from Redis using redis template
I have been stuck with this problem with quite some time.I want to get keys from redis using redis template. I tried this.redistemplate.keys("*"); but this doesn't fetch anything. Even with the pat...
파이썬이랑 스프링부트랑 로컬에서 같이 돌리고 잇는데 키가 없다고 나와서 보니 스프링부트에서 이상한 캐시 prefix 키를 줘버리네.. 일단 제거..
정답은 defaultSerializer 를 StringRedisSerializer() 로해주면 됨